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makeshift a temporary or improvised arrangement. [2 definitions]
makeup cosmetics, esp. when applied to the face to enhance or alter the appearance. [4 definitions]
make up to constitute or compose. [7 definitions]
make up one's mind to decide, esp. after considering different possibilities carefully or at length.
make use of to employ or cause to be employed; find a purpose or activity for.
malaria an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes and marked by recurring attacks of chills, fever, and sweating.
Malawi a country in southeastern Africa between Zambia and Mozambique.
Malaysia a country in Southeast Asia, including Malaya, Sumatra, Sabah, and Sarawak.
Maldives an Indian Ocean country southwest of Sri Lanka, composed of about two thousand islands; Maldive Islands.
male of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the masculine sex. [3 definitions]
Mali a West African country between Mauritania and Niger.
malice the wish to harm or hurt others; hostility; animosity. [2 definitions]
malicious characterized by or displaying malice.
malign to speak badly of; defame; slander. [2 definitions]
malignant evil or injurious in intent, effect, or character. [2 definitions]
mall a grassy open space, usu. lined with shade trees and used as a public place for walking. [4 definitions]
mallard a common wild duck, the male of which has an iridescent, dark green head and neck.
mallet a hammer, usu. wooden, with a short handle and a large cylindrical head, mainly used to drive a chisel or wedge, or to flatten something without damaging its surface. [3 definitions]
malnutrition poor or inadequate nutrition.
malt sprouted grain, esp. barley, used mainly in brewing and distilling. [5 definitions]
Malta a Mediterranean island south of Sicily. [2 definitions]