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malnutrition poor or inadequate nutrition.
malt sprouted grain, esp. barley, used mainly in brewing and distilling. [5 definitions]
Malta a Mediterranean island south of Sicily. [2 definitions]
malted milk a powdered mixture consisting mostly of dried milk and malted cereals, or a beverage made of this.
mama (informal) mother.
mammal any of the vertebrate animals that feed their babies with milk from the female mammary glands and usu. produce live young, as opposed to laying eggs.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal related to and resembling the elephant, that lived in the Northern Hemisphere. [2 definitions]
man a fully grown male human. [9 definitions]
manage to direct, control, or administer. [6 definitions]
management the act or process of controlling, directing, or governing. [3 definitions]
manager one who directs, controls, or administers a business or other enterprise. [3 definitions]
manatee any of several docile plant-eating animals that resemble the seal and are found in shallow tropical waters of the Atlantic; sea cow.
mandarin a public official or bureaucrat, or a person of high rank or influence in imperial China. [4 definitions]
mandate a commission given to a country to administer territory on behalf of an international body such as, formerly, the League of Nations. [6 definitions]
mandolin a musical instrument of the lute family with a deep, usu. pear-shaped soundbox and four or more pairs of strings that are usu. strummed rapidly with a plectrum.
mane the long hair on the back and sides of the neck, as on a horse or male lion.
maneuver a planned military movement, as of troops, ships, or tanks. [8 definitions]
manganese a chemical element that has twenty-five protons in each nucleus and that forms a dense, hard, grayish white metallic solid, used in the manufacture of steel or as an amethyst colorant in glass. (symbol: Mn)
manger a trough from which livestock feed.
mangle1 to damage severely or mutilate by cutting, crushing, or tearing apart. [2 definitions]
mango an elongated, smooth-skinned, yellow-orange edible fruit, or the tropical evergreen tree from which it comes.