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marmalade a jam that contains bits of fruit and rind, esp. of oranges.
maroon1 of or pertaining to a dark brownish red color.
maroon2 to put and leave (someone) ashore on an island or remote coast. [3 definitions]
marquee a canopy or rooflike covering that extends outward from the entrance to a building, and, in the case of a theater, having a sign that displays the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of its actors. [2 definitions]
marquis a European nobleman who ranks above a count and below a duke.
marquise the wife or widow of a marquis; marchioness. [3 definitions]
marriage the state of being joined in wedlock. [3 definitions]
married having a partner in marriage; united in matrimony. [2 definitions]
marrow the soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities. [2 definitions]
marry to take in marriage as one's life partner; wed. [5 definitions]
Mars in Roman mythology, the god of war; Ares. [2 definitions]
marsh a wet, low-lying area, often thick with tall grasses; bog.
marshal in the United States, a Federal officer whose duties are like those of a sheriff. [8 definitions]
marshmallow a spongy confection made of corn syrup, sugar, egg whites, and gelatin. [2 definitions]
marsupial having, concerning, or being similar to an animal's external pouch or fold of skin in which young are carried in their early stage of development. [3 definitions]
martial of, pertaining to, suggestive of, or inclined to war or combat. [2 definitions]
martin any of several birds of the swallow family.
Martin Luther King Day a U.S. national holiday observed on the third Monday of January commemorating the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
martyr a person who chooses to die or be killed rather than renounce his or her religious beliefs. [5 definitions]
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes awe, admiration, or amazement. [3 definitions]
marvelous causing awe, admiration, or amazement. [3 definitions]