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marquise the wife or widow of a marquis; marchioness. [3 definitions]
marriage the state of being joined in wedlock. [3 definitions]
married having a partner in marriage; united in matrimony. [2 definitions]
marrow the soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities. [2 definitions]
marry to take in marriage as one's life partner; wed. [5 definitions]
Mars in Roman mythology, the god of war; Ares. [2 definitions]
marsh a wet, low-lying area, often thick with tall grasses; bog.
marshal in the United States, a Federal officer whose duties are like those of a sheriff. [8 definitions]
marshmallow a spongy confection made of corn syrup, sugar, egg whites, and gelatin. [2 definitions]
marsupial having, concerning, or being similar to an animal's external pouch or fold of skin in which young are carried in their early stage of development. [3 definitions]
martial of, pertaining to, suggestive of, or inclined to war or combat. [2 definitions]
martin any of several birds of the swallow family.
Martin Luther King Day a U.S. national holiday observed on the third Monday of January commemorating the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
martyr a person who chooses to die or be killed rather than renounce his or her religious beliefs. [5 definitions]
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes awe, admiration, or amazement. [3 definitions]
marvelous causing awe, admiration, or amazement. [3 definitions]
Maryland an east central U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Delaware and Virginia. (abbr.: MD)
mascara a cosmetic used to darken the eyelashes.
mascot an animal, person, or thing that is considered to bring good luck, esp. one kept by or associated with an athletic team.
masculine of, concerning, or suitable to men or boys; male. [4 definitions]
mash crushed malt or grain meal mixed with water, as for brewing or distilling alcoholic beverages. [5 definitions]