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meat the flesh of animals, esp. mammals, when used or regarded as food. [4 definitions]
meatball chopped or ground meat that is seasoned, shaped into a small ball, and cooked, often in a sauce. [2 definitions]
mechanic a worker skilled in the production, use, and esp. repair of tools, machinery, and motors.
mechanical consisting of or pertaining to machinery. [8 definitions]
mechanism the structure, parts, or whole assemblage of a machine or mechanical system or device. [4 definitions]
medal a flat piece of metal, in varying shapes and with an appropriate design or inscription stamped on it, used as an award or as a commemorative or religious object.
meddle to interfere in matters concerning someone else, without authorization or request. [2 definitions]
media1 a plural form of medium. [2 definitions]
mediaeval variant of medieval.
median in, toward, or pertaining to the middle. [6 definitions]
medic1 a member of the medical corps in the military. [2 definitions]
medical of or relating to the study or practice of medicine. [2 definitions]
medication a medicine. [2 definitions]
medicine a drug or other substance used to cure illness or injury or to alleviate symptoms. [3 definitions]
medicine man a healer, shaman, and spiritual leader, esp. among North American Indians.
medieval of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages.
meditate to think calmly, deeply, and at length; contemplate, muse, or ponder (sometimes fol. by "on" or "upon"). [3 definitions]
Mediterranean a sea bordered on the north by Europe and Asia, and on the south by Africa; Mediterranean Sea. [5 definitions]
Mediterranean Sea a sea bordered on the north by Europe and Asia, and on the south by Africa.
medium an intervening substance or agency through which a force is effective. [11 definitions]
medley a musical composition or arrangement consisting of melodies or themes from various other pieces of music. [3 definitions]