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mellow of fruit, ripely soft, juicy, and flavorful. [6 definitions]
melodious of, characterized by, or containing a pleasing melody. [2 definitions]
melody musical sounds in a pleasant order and arrangement. [3 definitions]
melon a fruit of any of various vines, which has a hard, often smooth rind and thick, juicy flesh ranging from pale green or yellow to orange or deep reddish pink.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure. [8 definitions]
member one of the parts of or individuals in a particular group, organization, or category. [3 definitions]
membership the state of being a member, as of a group or organization. [2 definitions]
membrane a thin, flexible, tensile layer of tissue that separates, connects, lines, or covers various structures, such as organs, in living organisms. [2 definitions]
memento a physical reminder, such as a small object, of a past event, period, or relationship; souvenir or keepsake.
memo a memorandum.
memorable easily kept in memory; highly impressive or exceptional. [2 definitions]
memorandum a short written reminder. [4 definitions]
memorial a ceremony, custom, or public structure to honor a dead person or past event. [2 definitions]
Memorial Day a U.S. legal holiday to honor deceased soldiers, usu. officially observed on the last Monday in May.
memorize to learn thoroughly so as to hold in the memory.
memory the mental power or process of recalling experience from the past. [6 definitions]
men pl. of man.
menace that which poses a danger or threatens injury or harm; threat. [4 definitions]
mend to repair (something damaged or worn). [4 definitions]
menorah a candelabrum or candlestick with seven or nine branches, used in Jewish worship.
men's room a public lavatory or restroom for men and boys.