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mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [6 definitions]
mimeograph a machine that produces copies of handwritten or typed material by means of a stencil mounted on a rotating inked drum. [3 definitions]
mimic to copy or imitate, often playfully or as part of a learning process. [8 definitions]
min.1 abbreviation of "minute" or "minutes."
minaret a tall, thin tower on a mosque with a balcony from which Muslims are called to prayer.
mince to cut into very small, fine pieces. [7 definitions]
mincemeat a mixture of chopped apples, raisins, currants, orange peel, and the like, that is combined with suet and sometimes meat, and used as a filling for pies. [2 definitions]
mind the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs. [13 definitions]
mind one's p's and q's to be careful in one's behavior, esp. not to give offense.
mine1 the possessive form of I; that which belongs to me.
mine2 a deep hole or system of holes made in the earth, from which mineral substances such as gold, coal, or precious stones are extracted. [9 definitions]
miner a person employed to extract coal or other minerals from a mine.
mineral any of various inorganic natural substances, usu. having crystalline structures and a characteristic hardness. [3 definitions]
Minerva in Roman mythology, the goddess of wisdom, art, and invention; Athena.
mingle to associate or socialize with other people. [4 definitions]
miniature a very small copy or reproduction of something. [6 definitions]
minimize to make as small as possible in amount, degree, or size. [2 definitions]
minimum the smallest or least possible amount, degree, or number. [3 definitions]
mining the act or business of extracting coal, ore, or other minerals from a mine. [2 definitions]
minister a person authorized to perform or assist with religious ceremony and worship; pastor. [4 definitions]
mink any of several small, carnivorous North American mammals that are related to the weasel, that have short legs, partly webbed feet, and a pointed snout, and that live near water. [3 definitions]