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minuend in arithmetic, a number from which another number is subtracted. (Cf. subtrahend.)
minus made less by the subtraction of. [7 definitions]
minute1 a unit of time equal to sixty seconds or one sixtieth of an hour. (abbr.: min.) [6 definitions]
minute2 extremely small in size, amount, or degree; tiny. [2 definitions]
minute hand the longer hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face once an hour and indicates minutes.
minuteman an American militiaman of the Revolutionary War period who was ready to fight on a moment's notice.
miracle an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is therefore attributed to a supernatural or divine power. [2 definitions]
miraculous of the nature of a miracle. [2 definitions]
mirage an optical effect, often occurring in the desert or on hot pavement, in which light distorted by air masses of different temperatures creates the illusion of water and sometimes inverts distant objects. [2 definitions]
mirror a smooth, reflecting surface, usu. glass, with a metallic or similar backing. [5 definitions]
mis-1 bad; wrong. [2 definitions]
misbehave to act or behave improperly or badly. [2 definitions]
miscalculate to calculate or judge incorrectly.
miscellaneous being of diverse kinds; various. [2 definitions]
mischief conduct or behavior that is often playful but causes annoyance and sometimes damage or injury. [3 definitions]
mischievous having a tendency toward annoying or mildly injurious behavior; causing mischief. [3 definitions]
misconduct improper, often unlawful behavior; misbehavior. [3 definitions]
miscount to count or calculate incorrectly. [2 definitions]
miser a greedy, ungenerous person, esp. one who lives in poor circumstances in order to hoard money.
miserable extremely unhappy, remorseful, or dissatisfied; feeling misery. [5 definitions]
misery great unhappiness; extreme emotional distress. [3 definitions]