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miser a greedy, ungenerous person, esp. one who lives in poor circumstances in order to hoard money.
miserable extremely unhappy, remorseful, or dissatisfied; feeling misery. [5 definitions]
misery great unhappiness; extreme emotional distress. [3 definitions]
misfortune an instance of bad luck; unfortunate occurrence. [2 definitions]
misgiving a feeling of regret, doubt, or apprehension.
misguided led astray; in error; mistaken.
mishap an unlucky or unfortunate happening; accident.
mislay to put (something) somewhere and forget where it is; lose, often temporarily.
mislead to guide in a wrong direction. [2 definitions]
misplace to put (something) where it doesn't belong; lose. [2 definitions]
misprint a mistake in printing. [2 definitions]
mispronounce to pronounce poorly or incorrectly.
misread to read or interpret wrongly.
miss1 to fail to hit, catch, reach, cross, or in any way touch or contact (a particular object). [10 definitions]
miss2 (cap.) the traditional title of an unmarried woman, preceding the surname, and currently often replaced by "Ms.". [2 definitions]
misshapen badly or improperly formed or shaped.
missile an object or weapon that is thrown, shot, or otherwise projected, usu. at a distant target. [2 definitions]
missing not where something or someone should be; absent. [2 definitions]
mission a group of people sent to a foreign location to establish relations and conduct trade or do diplomatic or religious work. [7 definitions]
missionary a person, usually a member of a church or religious order, who is sent to a foreign country to convert the people to his or her religion, or to teach in or establish schools, or to serve as medical personnel in clinics or hospitals. [3 definitions]
Mississippi a U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico between Alabama and Louisiana. (abbr.: MS) [2 definitions]