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monument something made or erected in commemoration of an event, achievement, or person. [3 definitions]
moo to utter the long, low sound made by a cow; low. [2 definitions]
mood1 a temporary mental or emotional state. [3 definitions]
moody having moods that vary often or unpredictably. [3 definitions]
moon the earth's natural satellite, revolving completely around the earth from east to west in about twenty-eight days and accompanying the earth in its orbit around the sun. [5 definitions]
moonbeam a ray of light reflected from the surface of the moon.
moonlight the light of the moon. [4 definitions]
moor1 an area of open, rolling, poorly drained land supporting heather and other acid-loving plants.
moor2 to anchor (a ship, balloon, or other vessel) with cables or lines. [4 definitions]
moose a large North American hoofed, cud-chewing mammal with humped shoulders, the males of which bear broad, flattened antlers.
mop a mass of absorbent material fastened at the end of a long handle and used for washing surfaces, esp. floors. [3 definitions]
mope to act dejected and gloomy; sulk; brood. [3 definitions]
moped a motorized bicycle of low power.
moral of, relating to, or concerned with the principles of right and wrong in human conduct. [6 definitions]
morale the mental or emotional condition of a person or group, as indicated by the level of enthusiasm, confidence, cheerfulness, or the like.
morality adherence to standards of right conduct. [4 definitions]
more comparative of "many" and "much." [9 definitions]
more or less in some ways; to an extent. [2 definitions]
moreover beyond what has already been mentioned; in addition; furthermore.
Mormon a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [3 definitions]
morning the earliest part of the day, beginning about sunrise and ending about noon. [4 definitions]