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murmur a soft, indistinct, continuous sound, such as that made by low voices in conversation. [6 definitions]
Murray River a river in southeastern Australia.
muscle body tissue that controls movement of body parts by tightening and relaxing. [4 definitions]
muscular of or relating to muscle. [2 definitions]
Muse in Greek mythology, any of the nine goddesses who preside over the arts and sciences. [2 definitions]
muse to ponder or meditate on something silently or at length.
museum an institution or building where collections of valuable historical or artistic objects are preserved and displayed.
mush1 a thick, soft cereal, usu. of corn meal boiled in water or milk. [3 definitions]
mushroom any of numerous edible or poisonous fungi, usu. with a fleshy, umbrella-shaped cap on a thin stalk. [7 definitions]
mushy soft and pulpy; resembling mush. [2 definitions]
music sound that has rhythm, melody, or harmony, usu. produced by voice or instrument. [5 definitions]
musical of, relating to, or producing music. [4 definitions]
music box a box containing a mechanical device that plays music when the lid is lifted.
musician a person skilled at playing, singing, or composing music. [2 definitions]
music room in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept.
musk a strong-smelling secretion produced in a glandular sac underneath the skin of the male musk deer's abdomen. [3 definitions]
musket a heavy, large-calibre gun with a long barrel, carried on the shoulder and loaded through the muzzle, used from the sixteenth century until the eighteenth.
musketeer formerly, a soldier armed with a musket.
muskmelon any of a variety of edible melons, usu. round or oblong in shape, with juicy flesh ranging from almost white to light orange or green in color.
musk ox a large arctic ox with long coarse hair, curved horns, and musk glands.
muskrat a large North American rodent that lives in and near water and has a long, scaly tail, webbed hind feet, and a musky odor. [2 definitions]