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NC17 abbreviation of "no children under seventeen," persons under seventeen not admitted (used as a film rating).
ND abbreviation of "North Dakota," a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana.
NE1 abbreviation of "Nebraska," a Midwestern U.S. state between South Dakota and Kansas.
Ne symbol of the chemical element neon.
near to, at, or within a comparatively short distance from a person or thing. [11 definitions]
nearby situated close at hand; not far removed. [2 definitions]
nearly just about but not quite; almost. [2 definitions]
nearsighted able to see clearly only at short distance; myopic.
neat orderly in appearance, state, or habits; tidy. [6 definitions]
Neb. abbreviation of "Nebraska."
Nebraska a Midwestern U.S. state between South Dakota and Kansas. (abbr.: NE)
nebula a cloud of interstellar dust or gas or both, that may appear as either a light or dark mass depending on how it absorbs, reflects, or re-emits incident radiation. [2 definitions]
necessarily of necessity; inevitably.
necessary needed; essential. [5 definitions]
necessity a person or thing that is required or indispensable. [4 definitions]
neck the part of the body of both human beings and animals that connects the head with the trunk. [3 definitions]
neck and neck holding almost the same position; even.
neckerchief a square of cloth folded and tied about the neck.
necklace jewelry worn around the neck, usu. consisting of beads or pieces of gems, metals, leather, wood, plastic, or the like strung on string, wire, or a leather thong.
necktie a strip of fabric worn around the neck, usu. by men, under the collar of a shirt and knotted at the throat.
nectar the sweet plant secretion that attracts insects and birds, enabling pollination, and that bees use to make honey. [2 definitions]