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New Year's Day the first day of the new year, January 1.
New Year's Eve the evening of December 31, usu. marked by celebrations of the new year.
New York an eastern U.S. state between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic; New York State (abbr.: NY) [2 definitions]
New York City a metropolis in the southeast corner of New York State.
New Zealand a country on two large islands in the South Pacific, southeast of Australia.
next coming immediately after; following. [5 definitions]
next door in, at, or to the neighboring building, house, door, or the like.
next-door in or at the neighboring building, house, door, or the like.
next door to in the house closest to.
next to adjacent to or on one side of. [3 definitions]
NH abbreviation of "New Hampshire," a New England state between Vermont and Maine.
Ni symbol of the chemical element nickel.
Niagara Falls waterfalls on the Niagara River located on the border between the United States and Canada. The falls are divided into two principal sections by an island in the river. The two major sets of falls are the Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side, and the American Falls, on the U.S. side. The impressive waterfalls are an attraction for sightseers. [2 definitions]
nibble to take small bites of a food with one's teeth. [8 definitions]
Nicaragua a Central American country between Honduras and Costa Rica.
nice agreeable; attractive; appealing. [6 definitions]
niche a crevice or recessed area, esp. an ornamental one set in a wall to hold a statue, urn, or the like. [4 definitions]
nick a shallow cut, notch, or chip in a surface. [6 definitions]
nickel a chemical element that has twenty-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, hard, but malleable silver-white solid metal, used in alloys such as stainless steel and as a catalyst for various chemical reactions. (symbol: Ni). [4 definitions]
nickname a name given to a person, place, or thing in place of or in addition to the proper name, to indicate humor, familiarity, or the character of the person, place, or thing. [3 definitions]
nicotine a poisonous alkaloid that occurs in tobacco and is used in insecticides.