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night the hours of darkness between sunset and dawn. [5 definitions]
night and day without rest or interruption; unceasingly or seemingly unceasingly.
nightfall the time when day ends and night begins.
nightgown a long loose garment worn in bed, esp. by girls and women.
nightingale any of several European thrushes that are noted for melodious singing.
nightly happening, existing, or done at night. [4 definitions]
nightmare a terrifying or distressing dream. [2 definitions]
night table a small table or stand kept beside one's bed.
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
Nike in Greek mythology, the goddess of victory; Victoria.
Nile an African river that flows from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea.
Nile River an African river, generally considered to be the longest in the world, flowing from Uganda northward to the Mediterranean Sea.
nimble quick and agile in movement. [2 definitions]
nine the number represented by the Arabic numeral 9 and by the Roman numeral IX. [3 definitions]
nineteen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 19 and by the Roman numeral XIX. [3 definitions]
nineteenth indicating rank or position between eighteenth and twentieth. [3 definitions]
ninetieth indicating rank or position between eighty-ninth and ninety-first. [3 definitions]
ninety the number represented by the Arabic numeral 90 and by the Roman numeral XC. [5 definitions]
ninja a specially trained feudal Japanese warrior used as a spy, assassin, or saboteur.
ninth indicating rank or position between eighth and tenth. [4 definitions]
nip1 to press sharply between two points or surfaces, as by biting or pinching. [8 definitions]