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nuclear in physics and biology, of, relating to, or being an atomic nucleus. [3 definitions]
nuclear energy energy released from atomic nuclei, as in nuclear fission or fusion.
nuclei pl. of nucleus.
nucleus the central, essential, or highly concentrated part around which other parts are grouped. [4 definitions]
nude not wearing clothes; naked. [5 definitions]
nudge to push gently or touch, esp. with the elbow and esp. so as to attract attention. [4 definitions]
nugget a small, solid lump, esp. of a precious metal such as gold. [2 definitions]
nuisance someone or something that is annoying or troublesome.
numb not able to feel physical sensation or move normally, esp. because of cold. [3 definitions]
number a mathematical unit that has a fixed value and a fixed position in a series, used in counting. [18 definitions]
number plate (chiefly British) a metal tag or plate displayed on a motor vehicle and bearing a registration number that qualifies the vehicle as legal to drive on public highways and roads; license plate.
numeral one or more symbols or marks used to express or represent a number. [3 definitions]
numerator the number in a fraction that appears above the line, over the denominator. [3 definitions]
numerical of or pertaining to numbers. [3 definitions]
numerous existing in great number; many. [2 definitions]
nun1 a woman who is a member of a religious order, esp. one who has taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and lives in a convent.
Nunavut a territory in northern Canada created from eastern portions of the Northwest Territories in the late 1990s.
nurse someone who cares for the sick or feeble, esp. under the guidance of a doctor. [11 definitions]
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play. [3 definitions]
nursery school a school for children below kindergarten age.
nurse's office in a school, the office of the school's nurse, where students go for assistance if they are injured or do not feel well during school.