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nut a dry seed or fruit composed of a usu. edible kernel, or "meat," encased in a woody or leathery shell. [6 definitions]
nutcracker a hinged implement for cracking the shell of a nut.
nuthatch any of various small birds with a short tail, a long, narrow, sharp beak, and agility in climbing about on tree trunks and branches in search of insects.
nutmeat the edible portion of a nut.
nutmeg the fragrant seed of an evergreen East Indian tree or of similar trees, often ground and used as a spice. [2 definitions]
nutria a South American water animal similar to the beaver; coypu. [2 definitions]
nutrient providing or being food; having nourishing qualities. [2 definitions]
nutrition the act or process of ingesting and using nutrients or of providing nourishment. [3 definitions]
nutritious containing a large proportion or a high concentration of nutrients.
nutshell the hard outer covering of a nut.
nuzzle to push or rub the nose or snout against something. [4 definitions]
NV abbreviation of "Nevada," a western U.S. state between California and Utah.
NW abbreviation of "northwest."
NY abbreviation of "New York," an eastern U.S. state between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic; New York State
nylon a strong, light, synthetic fiber used to make yarn, cloth, bristles, and the like. [3 definitions]
nymph in Greek and Roman mythology, any of numerous minor goddesses inhabiting and representing rivers, mountains, trees, and the like. [3 definitions]
O2 symbol of the chemical element oxygen.
o the fifteenth letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions]
oak a tree that belongs to the beech family and bears acorns. [2 definitions]
oar a long pole, broad and flat at one end, that is used to row, or sometimes steer, a boat. [4 definitions]
oasis an area of vegetation in the midst of a desert, fed by a spring or well. [2 definitions]