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offset to balance or compensate for. [9 definitions]
offshoot a branch or shoot from a main stem, as of a plant. [2 definitions]
offshore away from the shore. [4 definitions]
offspring the child, young, or descendant of a particular parent or ancestor. [2 definitions]
off the air not broadcast on radio or television.
off the beaten path in a place difficult to reach or not often visited. [2 definitions]
off the beaten track in a place difficult to reach or not often visited. [2 definitions]
off the cuff (informal) in an unplanned manner; without much forethought. [2 definitions]
off the track not relevant to the pertinent point or issue; astray.
often on many occasions; frequently.
ogre an ugly giant or monstrous person that eats people, esp. one in folk tales and children's stories. [2 definitions]
OH abbreviation of "Ohio," a Midwestern U.S. state between Pennsylvania and Indiana.
oh used to express surprise, pain, disbelief, or the like. [2 definitions]
Ohio a Midwestern U.S. state between Pennsylvania and Indiana. (abbr.: OH) [2 definitions]
oil any of numerous mineral, animal, plant, or synthetic substances that are viscous, usu. liquid, and greasy, and that are soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water. [7 definitions]
oil well a well from which petroleum is drawn or pumped.
oily of, concerning, or like oil. [3 definitions]
ointment any of various usu. semisolid preparations made to be rubbed into the skin for medicinal, cosmetic, or moistening purposes.
Ojibwa a member of a North American Indian tribe living in the United States and Canada around Lake Superior. [3 definitions]
OK1 (informal) acceptable; all right; satisfactory. [5 definitions]
OK2 abbreviation of "Oklahoma," a southwestern U.S. state north and east of Texas.