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on guard alert and prepared.
on hand readily available.
onion a round, sharp-tasting bulb used extensively in cooking and as a flavoring. [2 definitions]
on (one's) last legs having very little remaining energy, strength, hope, or ability to function; liable to collapse or die.
online connected to or reached through a computer or computer network. [3 definitions]
only solely; as the sole instance. [8 definitions]
on occasion now and then; irregularly.
on one's toes (informal) alert and ready to respond or act.
on purpose deliberately; intentionally.
onset the early stage; beginning. [2 definitions]
on tap ready to be served from a cask, as beer or ale. [2 definitions]
Ontario a south central Canadian province on the Great Lakes. [2 definitions]
on the air broadcast on radio or television.
on the average usually; ordinarily.
on the ball acting with efficiency and competence. [2 definitions]
on the blink not functioning; needing repair.
on the contrary in contradiction to something already said.
on the dot (informal) exactly on time; punctually.
on the double (informal) right away; immediately.
on the house free, as a gift from a business establishment.
on the mend getting better, esp. in health; recuperating.