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opal a variously colored, often iridescent, hydrated form of silica often used as a semiprecious stone.
opaque not allowing light to pass through. (Cf. transparent.) [6 definitions]
OPEC abbreviation of "Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries."
open allowing entry or access; not shut, enclosed, or fastened. [27 definitions]
opener someone or something that opens. [3 definitions]
opening the act, process, or result of making open or causing to become open. [6 definitions]
openly in a way that involves no hiding or lying.
open-minded not having preconceptions or prejudgments; receptive; tolerant; impartial.
opera1 a dramatic work set to music, with an accompaniment by an orchestra. [3 definitions]
operate to function in a correct or effective manner, as a machine. [5 definitions]
operation the act or process of operating or functioning. [5 definitions]
operator one who controls functions, operations, or activities, as of machines or businesses. [4 definitions]
operetta a short light, usu. humorous opera, often with dialogue that is spoken as well as sung.
ophthalmologist a doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of eye diseases.
ophthalmology the medical study of the eye, its diseases, and their treatments.
opinion what one thinks about a matter, esp. a judgment not necessarily based on fact alone. [5 definitions]
opossum any of a number of American marsupials that are active at night and live in trees. [2 definitions]
opponent one who opposes; antagonist; foe.
opportunity a chance that makes something possible or that may bring about some benefit. [2 definitions]
oppose to think, act, or be against; resist or obstruct. [3 definitions]
opposed not in favor of; against.