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opossum any of a number of American marsupials that are active at night and live in trees. [2 definitions]
opponent one who opposes; antagonist; foe.
opportunity a chance that makes something possible or that may bring about some benefit. [2 definitions]
oppose to think, act, or be against; resist or obstruct. [3 definitions]
opposed not in favor of; against.
opposite located at or on the sides opposing each other; facing. [7 definitions]
opposition the act or state of opposing, or the state of being opposed. [3 definitions]
oppress to treat harshly, brutally, or unfairly. [2 definitions]
opt to decide; choose (usu. fol. by "for" or an infinitive).
optical of or concerning the sense of sight or the eye. [5 definitions]
optician a person who sells or manufactures eyeglasses, contact lenses, or other optical devices. .
optimism the belief that everything will turn out well, or that there are good aspects of every situation. (Cf. pessimism.) [3 definitions]
optimistic expecting or tending to expect favorable outcomes. [2 definitions]
option the right, power, or freedom to choose. [4 definitions]
optional not required; left to one's choice.
optometrist one who practices optometry.
-or1 a variant of -er1.
OR1 abbreviation of "Oregon," a northwestern U.S. state on the Pacific coast between Washington and California.
OR2 abbreviation of "operating room."
or used to indicate alternatives. [5 definitions]
oral spoken, as opposed to written; accomplished by speaking. [3 definitions]