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outlaw one whose activities repeatedly violate the law; habitual criminal. [5 definitions]
outlet an opening through which something is released or allowed to escape; vent. [5 definitions]
outline a line or shape marking the boundaries of a figure or object. [5 definitions]
outlook future prospect. [3 definitions]
outlying away from the center or hub; distant or out-of-the-way.
outnumber to exceed in number.
out of used to describe movement outward from a particular location. [9 definitions]
out of bounds beyond a boundary or an outer limit. [2 definitions]
out of commission not in service or working condition.
out-of-date old-fashioned or obsolete; outmoded.
out of date not modern or fashionable. [2 definitions]
out of doors outside of a building; in the open air.
out of joint not joined in a proper or usual manner; dislocated. [3 definitions]
out of sorts in an irritable temper. [2 definitions]
out of stock currently unavailable for sale; not present within the merchandise of the store. [2 definitions]
out of the blue without warning; suddenly.
out of the question not worthy of consideration; unthinkable; impossible.
out of this world (informal) exceptionally good; excellent.
out of turn not in correct order or sequence. [2 definitions]
out of whack (informal) not working properly; out of order; badly aligned.
outpatient one who is being treated at a hospital or clinic but who is not kept there overnight.