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oval having the general shape of an egg; ellipsoid. [3 definitions]
ovary in an animal, the female reproductive organ that releases eggs and hormones regulating development and fertility. [2 definitions]
oven a compartment, as in a stove, that can be heated for baking or roasting food or the like.
over above in position; higher than. [29 definitions]
over- excessive; too much. [2 definitions]
over a barrel unable to refuse a demand because of the circumstances.
overall from one limit to the other; entire. [5 definitions]
overalls loose-fitting, heavy cotton trousers with a bib and shoulder straps, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling. [2 definitions]
over and above in addition to; besides.
overboard over the side of a vessel into the water.
overcame past tense of "overcome."
overcast of the sky, mostly filled with clouds; cloudy. [5 definitions]
overcoat an outer coat worn in rainy or cold weather.
overcome to defeat or quell in a conflict; succeed in a struggle with. [5 definitions]
overdid past tense of "overdo."
overdo to exceed appropriate limits or go to extremes in. [4 definitions]
overdone past participle of "overdo."
overdose too high a dose, as of medicine or drugs. [3 definitions]
overdress to dress too formally or too warmly for the circumstances. [2 definitions]
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the due date. [2 definitions]
overeat to eat more than a comfortable, proper, or healthy amount.