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Pacific of or pertaining to the Pacific Ocean. [2 definitions]
Pacific Ocean the largest ocean in the world, separating Asia and North America, and Australia and South America, and extending to Antarctic; Pacific.
pacify to calm or restore peace of mind to. [2 definitions]
-pack a package containing (so many) items, usu. cans or bottles.
pack1 a container for goods or belongings, usu. flexible and carried on the back. [16 definitions]
package an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; parcel. [6 definitions]
packet a small bundle or parcel. [2 definitions]
pact an agreement, esp. a sworn promise. [2 definitions]
pad1 a piece of soft material used as cushioning to protect from abrasion or impact, such as a cushion, mat, or thick piece of blanket or quilt. [12 definitions]
paddle a wide-bladed oar with a long handle, used with both arms for moving a small boat, esp. a canoe, through the water. [8 definitions]
paddle wheel an engine-driven or pedal-operated wheel that has boards or paddles fixed at right angles around its circumference, used to propel a boat, esp. a river steamboat.
paddock an enclosed field, usu. near a barn, for grazing or exercising horses. [2 definitions]
paddy a flooded field for growing rice.
padlock a portable lock for fastening doors, boxes, cables, and the like. [2 definitions]
pagan a person professing belief in a polytheistic religion. [6 definitions]
page1 one side of a sheet of printed or written paper. [6 definitions]
page2 esp. formerly, a young person who attends someone of authority such as a king. [3 definitions]
pageant a public spectacle with much colorful display, often celebrating and commemorating events of history or legend and presenting scenes from these. [2 definitions]
pagoda a religious temple of eastern or southern Asia, often Hindu or Buddhist and having elaborate roof lines at each of many different levels.
paid past tense and past participle of "pay."
pail a steep-sided container with a handle; bucket. [2 definitions]