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past participle a participle that either indicates a completed action or past state, such as "broken" in "I have broken my arm," or serves as an adjective, as "broken" in "a broken toy".
pastry a dough of flour, shortening, and water that is baked and used for pie crusts and the like. [3 definitions]
past tense a form of a verb that shows that something happened in the past or that a condition existed in the past. In the sentence, "We baked a cake," "baked" is in the past tense.
pasture land or a piece of land on which animals are or can be put to graze. [5 definitions]
pat1 to strike or tap lightly with something flat, esp. the open palm or fingers, as to mold or shape. [5 definitions]
patch a small piece of material, esp. fabric, applied to a larger piece of the same or similar material to cover a hole or tear, or to strengthen a weakened place. [10 definitions]
patchwork a type of needlework in which pieces of cloth or leather are sewn together, often in a pattern, as for quilts. [2 definitions]
patent a government grant to an inventor, giving for a specified period the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invented device, process, or the like. [7 definitions]
patent leather leather that is treated in a formerly patented process to achieve a hard, glossy, usu. black finish.
paternal of, concerning, or typical of a father. [3 definitions]
path a track beaten by the feet of people or animals. [4 definitions]
pathetic arousing feelings of pity, sorrow, or tender concern. [2 definitions]
patience the ability to steadfastly endure misfortune, pain, or hardship. [3 definitions]
patient a person or animal undergoing medical treatment. [7 definitions]
patio a usu. paved and roofless area that adjoins a house and is used for dining or recreation. [2 definitions]
pat (someone) on the back (informal) to encourage, praise, or congratulate by words or actions.
patriarch a usu. elderly male leader of a family or tribe. (Cf. matriarch.) [4 definitions]
patriot one who loves, supports, and defends his or her nation and its interests.
patriotic feeling, showing, or caused by one's love for and loyalty to one's nation.
patriotism love for, and devotion and loyalty to, one's nation.
patrol to move regularly and repeatedly along or through (a route, building, or area) for the purpose of maintaining security and order. [3 definitions]