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peck1 in the US, a unit of capacity equal to eight quarts or 8.81 liters. Used primarily for dry measure. [4 definitions]
peck2 to strike, nip, or pick up with the beak. [7 definitions]
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual. [3 definitions]
peculiarity the state or fact of being odd or strange. [3 definitions]
pedal a lever operated by the foot to provide driving power or to control or adjust the action of a machine. [7 definitions]
peddle to offer (goods) for sale on the street or from door to door. [3 definitions]
pedestal a support or base for a column, statue, lamp, or the like. [3 definitions]
pedestrian a person who is walking, esp. on or near a street. [4 definitions]
pedestrian crossing a marked path across a road in which pedestrians have the right of way.
pediatrician a doctor specializing in the medical care of children.
pedigree a list or table of ancestors; genealogical record, as of an animal or person. [3 definitions]
peek to look quickly or furtively, often through a small opening or from a hiding place; glance; peep. [3 definitions]
peel1 to pull, tear, or cut the outer covering from. [6 definitions]
peeler a kitchen tool used for removing the skin of vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, and parsnips, or of thin-skinned fruits such as apples.
peep1 to look quickly or furtively, often through a narrow opening or from a hiding place. [5 definitions]
peep2 a weak, shrill, short sound, as of a young bird. [4 definitions]
peer1 a person of the same rank, status, age group, ability, or the like as another person. [2 definitions]
peer2 to look closely, searchingly, or with difficulty. [2 definitions]
peg a small, cylindrical or tapered piece, often made of wood, used to hold things together or in place, fill a hole, or act as a marker. [5 definitions]
Peking see "Beijing."
Pekingese of or pertaining to Beijing, China, or its people, culture, language, or the like. [4 definitions]