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perjury the intentional giving of false testimony under oath in a court or other official proceeding.
permanent existing or intended to exist indefinitely or perpetually; everlasting. [3 definitions]
permission the act of permitting. [2 definitions]
permit to allow the entrance or the presence of. [5 definitions]
perpendicular at or forming a right angle to or with an intersecting line or plane. [7 definitions]
perpetual lasting or continuing forever. [4 definitions]
perpetuate to cause to last or be remembered.
perplexed puzzled, confused, or uncertain. [2 definitions]
persecute to subject (esp. those belonging to a different political, religious, or racial group) to persistent harassment, punishment, or ill-treatment. [2 definitions]
persecution the act of persecuting, or the condition or fact of being persecuted. [2 definitions]
Persia an ancient empire that flourished in southwestern Asia from about the sixth to the fourth century B.C., centered in what is now Iran; Persian Empire. [2 definitions]
Persian of or pertaining to Iran or Persia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [5 definitions]
Persian Gulf an extension of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.
persimmon a juicy, orange or reddish fruit, larger than but similar to a plum in texture of skin and pulp, or any of the mostly tropical trees that bear this fruit.
persist to endure or continue steadfastly, stubbornly, or tenaciously. [3 definitions]
persistence the act of persisting. [3 definitions]
persistent continuing, lasting, or holding on, despite opposition or difficulties. [3 definitions]
person a human being. [4 definitions]
personal of, pertaining to, or belonging to a particular individual, and often not for other people to share, be concerned with, or see. [6 definitions]
personal computer a compact computer designed for individual use; microcomputer.
personality that which distinguishes a person from others; collective characteristic qualities of a person. [3 definitions]