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pestle a hand-held implement for grinding or pounding substances into powder, usu. in a mortar. [3 definitions]
pet1 an animal, usu. domesticated or tamed, kept in one's home for companionship rather than practical use. [5 definitions]
petal one of the separate, modified leaves, usu. of a different color from the plant's other leaves, that form the outer part of a flower head.
petition a formal request that is usu. written, often signed by many people, and addressed to an authority that is empowered to grant some right or benefit. [7 definitions]
petrify to turn (organic matter) into stone. [4 definitions]
petrol (chiefly British) a volatile, flammable liquid of hydrocarbons, derived from petroleum and used primarily as fuel for internal-combustion engines; gasoline.
petroleum a thick, flammable mineral oil obtained by drilling beneath the earth's surface and processed into various fuels and lubricants, naphtha, paraffin, and other products.
petticoat a woman's underskirt, like a slip or half-slip but usu. fuller and more ornamented with lace, ruffles, or bows.
petty of little importance, interest, or consequence; trivial. [4 definitions]
petunia any of several common garden plants, originating in the American tropics, that bear white to purple, funnel-shaped flowers.
pew a stationary church bench with a back and often arms at the ends, usu. one of several arranged in rows facing the altar. [2 definitions]
pewter a tin alloy, used formerly for kitchen vessels or implements, but now mostly for decorative objects and tableware. [2 definitions]
pg. abbreviation of "page."
phantom an unreal or illusory figure, such as a ghost or specter; apparition. [4 definitions]
pharaoh a king of ancient Egypt, or (cap.) the title of any one of these kings.
pharmacist a person who is trained and licensed in the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs; druggist.
pharmacy the practice, profession, or art of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicine. [3 definitions]
phase a distinct or particular stage in a cycle of development or process of change. [4 definitions]
Ph.D. abbreviation of "philosophiae doctor" (Latin); Doctor of Philosophy.
pheasant any of a number of fowls that have long tails and characteristically bright feathers in the male.
phenomenal amazing or extraordinary. [3 definitions]