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pl. abbreviation of "plural."
place a certain area of space, such as that occupied by something. [21 definitions]
placement the act of placing or state of being placed; location. [2 definitions]
placid calm, smooth, or tranquil.
plague any disaster that affects a large population, esp. a disease epidemic or the sudden influx of harmful insects. [6 definitions]
plaid a fabric bearing a pattern of stripes of various widths and colors, intersecting at right angles. [3 definitions]
plain easily perceived by the eye or ear; clear; unobstructed. [8 definitions]
plan an intended action; aim. [7 definitions]
plane1 a flat or level surface. [7 definitions]
plane2 any of various carpentry tools with an adjustable blade, used to make surfaces of wood smooth, true, grooved, or the like. [3 definitions]
planet a large, nonluminous celestial body, esp. one of the nine in the solar system, that revolves around a star and often has one or more satellites. [2 definitions]
planetarium an apparatus that projects a representation of the stars, planets, and the like, usu. upon a dome-shaped ceiling. [3 definitions]
plank a length of wood similar to, but thicker than, a board. [4 definitions]
plankton free-floating, usu. microscopic plant and animal life found in fresh or salt water.
planner a person who plans, esp. one who plans the development of cities and towns. [2 definitions]
planning the act of figuring out how to do something ahead of time.
plant a living organism of the vegetable group. [10 definitions]
plantain1 a fruit similar to but larger, firmer, and less sweet than the banana, usu. cooked as a starchy vegetable. [2 definitions]
plantation an area of land for cultivating plants or trees, or a group of cultivated plants or trees. [3 definitions]
plaque a flat plate or tablet, usu. inscribed and used as a decorative hanging or as a commemorative. [3 definitions]
plasma the clear, liquid part of lymph or blood in which cells are suspended. [4 definitions]