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plan an intended action; aim. [7 definitions]
plane1 a flat or level surface. [7 definitions]
plane2 any of various carpentry tools with an adjustable blade, used to make surfaces of wood smooth, true, grooved, or the like. [3 definitions]
planet a large, nonluminous celestial body, esp. one of the nine in the solar system, that revolves around a star and often has one or more satellites. [2 definitions]
planetarium an apparatus that projects a representation of the stars, planets, and the like, usu. upon a dome-shaped ceiling. [3 definitions]
plank a length of wood similar to, but thicker than, a board. [4 definitions]
plankton free-floating, usu. microscopic plant and animal life found in fresh or salt water.
planner a person who plans, esp. one who plans the development of cities and towns. [2 definitions]
planning the act of figuring out how to do something ahead of time.
plant a living organism of the vegetable group. [10 definitions]
plantain1 a fruit similar to but larger, firmer, and less sweet than the banana, usu. cooked as a starchy vegetable. [2 definitions]
plantation an area of land for cultivating plants or trees, or a group of cultivated plants or trees. [3 definitions]
plaque a flat plate or tablet, usu. inscribed and used as a decorative hanging or as a commemorative. [3 definitions]
plasma the clear, liquid part of lymph or blood in which cells are suspended. [4 definitions]
plaster a paste of sand, lime or gypsum, or the like, and water that hardens when it dries, used esp. to cover walls and ceilings. [4 definitions]
plastic any of numerous synthetic substances, usu. organic polymers, that can be easily shaped when soft and then hardened, and that are widely used as industrial and domestic materials and finished products. [5 definitions]
plate a flat, round dish from which food is served or eaten, or the food on such a dish. [10 definitions]
plateau an elevated, relatively level area of land. [3 definitions]
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
platform a level, raised surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience. [6 definitions]
platinum a chemical element that has seventy-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, highly malleable, lustrous silvery white solid metal, used as a catalyst, in a variety of alloys, and in making jewelry. (symbol: Pt) [2 definitions]