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plot2 a small piece of land, esp. one used for a specific purpose. [2 definitions]
plover any of various shorebirds that have a rounded body, short tail, and short bill.
plow a heavy farm tool that has a broad blade, is drawn by a tractor or animals, and is used for turning and cultivating the soil. [11 definitions]
pluck to take hold of with the fingers and pull off or out; pick. [8 definitions]
plug an object made of cork, rubber, wood, or the like used to block an opening. [10 definitions]
plug in to connect (an appliance) to a power source.
plum a type of sweet edible fruit with a smooth skin and a flattish stone. [6 definitions]
plumage the feathers of a bird.
plumb a small weight tied to a line and used to establish the depth of water or to verify a vertical alignment. [10 definitions]
plumber a person who fits and repairs plumbing. [2 definitions]
plumbing the system of water and sewerage pipes and fixtures in a building. [2 definitions]
plume a feather, esp. a large, colorful, or fluffy one. [6 definitions]
plump1 rounded in appearance; somewhat chubby. [3 definitions]
plunder to steal (goods), esp. by force. [5 definitions]
plunge to propel abruptly or forcefully into a substance, esp. a soft or liquid one. [8 definitions]
plural of, pertaining to, or including more than one. [4 definitions]
plus added to. [7 definitions]
plush a fabric having a long, soft pile. [3 definitions]
plus sign a mathematical sign (+) indicating addition or a positive quantity.
Pluto in Greek mythology, the god of wealth who is also identified with Hades, the Underworld. [2 definitions]
plutonium a radioactive chemical element of the actinide series that has ninety-four protons in each nucleus and that is capable of explosive nuclear fission in a chain reaction, used as fuel in some types of nuclear reactors. (symbol: Pu)