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point of view a position or place from which one may view, consider, or appraise something; viewpoint; standpoint. [2 definitions]
pointy having a relatively sharp point. [2 definitions]
poise a state or position of equilibrium; balance. [6 definitions]
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living organisms, esp. by chemical means. [6 definitions]
poison ivy a North American plant bearing leaflets in groups of three, greenish flowers, and white berries and secreting an oil that can cause a severe rash on contact. [2 definitions]
poisonous filled with or containing poison. [3 definitions]
poke to jab or prod, esp. with a slender or sharp object. [12 definitions]
poke fun at to tease or mock.
poker1 someone or something that pokes, esp. a long, pointed metal rod for stirring up a fire.
poker2 any of several card games that involve gambling on the value of the players' hands.
Poland a central European country on the Baltic Sea between Germany, Ukraine, and Belarus.
polar of, pertaining to, or near one end of the axis of a spherical body, esp. the North Pole or South Pole of the earth. [3 definitions]
polar bear a large white bear that lives in arctic regions.
Polaris a variable binary star near the north celestial pole in the constellation Ursa Minor, having a magnitude of 2.1; North Star.
Pole a native or citizen of Poland, or a descendant thereof.
pole1 a long, often narrow cylindrical post or rod made of metal, wood, or the like. [4 definitions]
pole2 either of the two ends of the axis of a spherical body such as the earth, or either of the regions around the earth's North and South Poles. [4 definitions]
polecat a dark-furred carnivorous mammal of the weasel family found in Eurasia and northern Africa. [2 definitions]
polestar a bright star near the north celestial pole; Polaris; North Star. [2 definitions]
pole vault a field event in which the participants perform high vaults with the aid of a long flexible pole that propels them over a crossbar.
police a department of a town, city, or state government that has the authority of enforcing laws, investigating crimes, and maintaining order; police force. [5 definitions]