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polestar a bright star near the north celestial pole; Polaris; North Star. [2 definitions]
pole vault a field event in which the participants perform high vaults with the aid of a long flexible pole that propels them over a crossbar.
police a department of a town, city, or state government that has the authority of enforcing laws, investigating crimes, and maintaining order; police force. [5 definitions]
police department a governmental agency whose purpose is to enforce the law and protect citizens and property from harm.
policeman a male member of a police force.
police officer a member of a police force; policeman or policewoman.
police station the headquarters of the police of a certain area or precinct; station house.
policewoman a female member of a police force.
policy1 a set of principles that is used as a guide for action, esp. in a government or business. [2 definitions]
policy2 a written document that contains the terms of an insurance agreement.
polio poliomyelitis.
poliomyelitis a viral disease that strikes mainly in infancy and can cause paralysis, muscular atrophy, deformities, and damage to the nervous system; infantile paralysis; polio.
Polish of or pertaining to Poland or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions]
polish to give a sleek surface to, esp. by buffing. [8 definitions]
polish off (informal) to complete or get rid of.
polite demonstrating good manners or thoughtfulness; well-trained in deportment; courteous. [2 definitions]
political of, relating to, or concerned with the theory or practice of politics. [3 definitions]
politician a person engaged in party politics. [3 definitions]
politics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the art, science, or study of governmental structures and methods. [4 definitions]
polka a simple, energetic dance from Bohemia performed by pairs of people. [3 definitions]
polka dot one of a number of small round dots or spots repeated in a pattern. [2 definitions]