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political of, relating to, or concerned with the theory or practice of politics. [3 definitions]
politician a person engaged in party politics. [3 definitions]
politics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the art, science, or study of governmental structures and methods. [4 definitions]
polka a simple, energetic dance from Bohemia performed by pairs of people. [3 definitions]
polka dot one of a number of small round dots or spots repeated in a pattern. [2 definitions]
poll the casting of a ballot or the recording of votes in an election. [10 definitions]
pollen the fine-grained powder that a flowering plant produces which, when transferred to another plant of the same species, fertilizes that plant's seeds.
pollinate to transfer pollen to; fertilize the seeds of with pollen.
pollute to make dirty, unpleasant, or unhealthy, esp. by infusing with waste material. [3 definitions]
polluted made unclean, impure, unhealthy, or corrupt; contaminated.
pollution the act or process, or an instance, of polluting. [3 definitions]
polo a game played on horseback by two teams of three or four members each who use long-handled mallets to drive a small wooden ball into the opponent's goal.
polygon a closed, two-dimensional figure with three or more sides bounded by straight lines.
polyp an aquatic invertebrate, usu. sedentary or fixed in place, with a tubular body and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. [2 definitions]
pomegranate a reddish fruit with a tough rind, many seeds, and a juicy, edible, mildly acidic pulp. [2 definitions]
pomp ceremonial or magnificent display; splendor. [2 definitions]
pompous showing or inclined to show an exaggerated air of dignity or importance. [3 definitions]
poncho a wrap resembling a blanket with a hole in the center for the head. [2 definitions]
pond a small natural or artificial body of still water.
ponder to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate. [2 definitions]
pony any of several breeds of horse that are small at maturity. [3 definitions]