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pomp ceremonial or magnificent display; splendor. [2 definitions]
pompous showing or inclined to show an exaggerated air of dignity or importance. [3 definitions]
poncho a wrap resembling a blanket with a hole in the center for the head. [2 definitions]
pond a small natural or artificial body of still water.
ponder to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate. [2 definitions]
pony any of several breeds of horse that are small at maturity. [3 definitions]
pony express a system of mail delivery involving relays of horses, esp. such a system operating in the western United States in the early 1860s.
ponytail a hair style in which all the hair is drawn up and tied at the back so that the ends hang free.
poodle any of a breed of dog of three varieties according to size, with thick curly hair that can be trimmed in various standard patterns.
pool1 any small area of liquid that has collected on a surface; puddle; pond. [4 definitions]
poor without money, possessions, or other means of livelihood. [7 definitions]
pop1 to make a short, light, explosive sound. [17 definitions]
pop2 (informal) of, relating to, or performing popular music. [2 definitions]
pop3 (informal) father.
popcorn any of several varieties of corn whose kernels pop open into crunchy puffs when heated. [2 definitions]
pope (often cap.) the bishop of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic Church. [3 definitions]
poplar any of several fast-growing deciduous trees, such as the aspen or cottonwood. [3 definitions]
popover a light, puffed, hollow muffin made with flour, eggs, and milk.
poppy any of several related plants grown in temperate climates that bear brightly colored flowers in red, orange, yellow, purple, or white. [3 definitions]
pop the question (informal) to make a proposal of marriage.
popular widely liked or enjoyed; regarded favorably by many. [3 definitions]