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Portuguese of or pertaining to Portugal or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Portuguese man-of-war a sea hydrozoan found in warm oceans, having a bladderlike sac that resembles a sail and allows it to float, and trailing many long stinging tentacles that may inflict severe injury.
pose1 to take or hold a bodily position, as in modeling clothing or having one's likeness painted or photograph taken. [7 definitions]
Poseidon in Greek mythology, the god of the sea; Neptune.
position the location of a person or thing. [9 definitions]
positive definite; certain. [13 definitions]
posse a group of citizens summoned by a county law enforcement official and given temporary legal authority to assist in law enforcement, as for pursuit of a criminal. [2 definitions]
possess to have as one's own property. [5 definitions]
possession the act of possessing, or the condition of being possessed. [6 definitions]
possessive of or relating to possession. [6 definitions]
possessor one who has, owns, or possesses something.
possibility the fact or state of being possible. [3 definitions]
possible capable of or having the potential for being, occurring, being done, or being used. [3 definitions]
possibly maybe; perhaps. [2 definitions]
possum variant of opossum.
post1 a pole or stake placed in the ground to serve as a marker, or for supporting a fence or other structure. [6 definitions]
post2 a position or duty to which one is assigned. [4 definitions]
post3 the organized delivery of mail, or an instance of such delivery. [7 definitions]
post- after; later than. [2 definitions]
postage the charge for sending a letter or parcel by mail.
postage stamp a small, usu. gummed label bearing a money denomination, and often a picture, that is issued and affixed to mail, indicating that payment of postage has been made.