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pouch a bag made in a variety of sizes and shapes, usu. of a sturdy material, and used to carry loose substances and articles such as tobacco or letters. [6 definitions]
poultry collectively, domestic fowls, esp. those that are raised as a source of meat and eggs, such as chickens and turkeys, or the meat from these fowls.
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to seize or capture something. [4 definitions]
pound1 to strike repeatedly and heavily. [8 definitions]
pound2 a unit of weight equal to sixteen ounces or 453.592 grams in the avoirdupois weight system, and equal to twelve ounces or 373.242 grams in the apothecaries' and troy weight systems. (abbr.: lb.) [4 definitions]
pound3 a shelter for confining or housing homeless animals. [3 definitions]
pour to enable (a liquid or granular substance such as salt) to flow or stream, as from a container. [6 definitions]
pout1 to show unhappiness or displeasure, esp. by pushing out the lips; sulk. [5 definitions]
poverty the condition of being poor or lacking the necessary means of support; indigence or want. [3 definitions]
POW abbreviation of "prisoner of war," a member of the armed forces who is taken captive by an enemy during wartime.
pow used to suggest the sound of a shot, blow, explosion, or the like. [2 definitions]
powder a mass of fine, loose particles derived from a solid material that has been ground, crushed, or the like. [9 definitions]
powdered sugar a very fine sugar produced by grinding granulated sugar.
power the capability to act or function effectively. [9 definitions]
powerful possessing or capable of exerting power or force. [4 definitions]
power point (chiefly British) a point in an electrical system where electrical appliances can be connected to the current; outlet.
pp. abbreviation of "pages," a plural form of "pages."
PR1 abbreviation of "Puerto Rico," a West Indies island commonwealth associated with the United States, east of the Dominican Republic.
practical of or relating to practice and experience as opposed to theory or abstraction. [5 definitions]
practical joke a playful or mischievous trick played on someone, often causing embarrassment or discomfort.
practically in every essential respect; virtually. [3 definitions]