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PR1 abbreviation of "Puerto Rico," a West Indies island commonwealth associated with the United States, east of the Dominican Republic.
practical of or relating to practice and experience as opposed to theory or abstraction. [5 definitions]
practical joke a playful or mischievous trick played on someone, often causing embarrassment or discomfort.
practically in every essential respect; virtually. [3 definitions]
practice an activity that is habitual or customary. [11 definitions]
Prague the capital of the Czech Republic.
prairie an expansive area of fertile, level, or rolling grassland, esp. the central North American plain.
prairie dog any of several small burrowing rodents that have a barklike cry and live in large colonies in the North American prairies.
prairie schooner a large covered wagon used by nineteenth-century pioneers to cross the American prairies.
praise a verbal expression of admiration, approval, or respect; commendation. [4 definitions]
prance to move forward by raising the front legs and springing with the hind legs, as a horse does. [5 definitions]
prank a playful or mischievous trick; stunt.
pray to petition or invoke (one's god or other holy being). [4 definitions]
prayer1 a request made to a divine being. [7 definitions]
praying mantis a mantis.
pre- before; prior to. [2 definitions]
preach to present or deliver (religious or moral instruction or the like) in a sermon. [4 definitions]
preacher one who preaches, esp. a minister or clergyman.
precaution an action or measure taken beforehand to avoid or prevent a dangerous circumstance, or to ensure a favorable result. [2 definitions]
precede to come before in time. [3 definitions]
precedent an act that serves or may serve as an example for future actions of a similar nature. [3 definitions]