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proportion a part or fraction of a whole. [6 definitions]
proposal a suggested plan. [3 definitions]
propose to present for consideration or adoption; suggest. [4 definitions]
proposition a plan of action proposed; proposal. [5 definitions]
propulsion the act or process of propelling, or the condition of being propelled. [2 definitions]
prose written or spoken expression in its usual form as a series of sentences that do not have the metrical or rhythmic structure of poetry. [3 definitions]
prosecute to begin or carry on legal action against (a person or group), or to seek enforcement of (a claim) through legal action. [5 definitions]
prospect foreseeable possibility; expectation. [5 definitions]
prospector a person who prospects, or searches, for precious minerals and metals.
prosper to succeed or have good luck, esp. financially or materially; thrive.
prosperity the state of succeeding or flourishing, esp. financially.
prosperous having wealth, success, or good fortune. [2 definitions]
protect to ensure the safety of; shield from danger or harm. [3 definitions]
protection the act of protecting or condition of being protected. [4 definitions]
protective providing or intending to provide protection.
protein any of a group of complex organic compounds containing nitrogen and composed of chains of amino acids, found in all living organisms and considered essential to all animal life processes.
protest a statement or other expression of objection or dissent. [7 definitions]
Protestant any Christian, esp. in the West, who belongs to a non-Catholic church. [3 definitions]
proton an elementary particle of matter in the nucleus of all atoms, having a positive electrical charge.
protoplasm a complex translucent colorless jelly regarded as the physical basis of all living matter and life functions.
protozoan any of the simplest forms of animal life, consisting of a single cell or a colony of single cells.