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pull one's weight to do one's share of work.
pullover a piece of clothing, esp. a sweater, that must be put on by drawing it over the head. [2 definitions]
pull the wool over someone's eyes (informal) to deceive or hoodwink someone.
pull through to survive a particular crisis or difficulty.
pulp the soft, juicy part of a fruit. [8 definitions]
pulpit the raised platform or lectern at which a member of the clergy stands to address the congregation. [3 definitions]
pulse1 the periodic throbbing of arteries that results from the beating of the heart, esp. as felt in the wrist or neck. [5 definitions]
puma a variety of large wild American cat; mountain lion; cougar.
pump1 a mechanical or biological device for compressing a fluid or gas, or moving it from one place to another, esp. through pipes or the like. [12 definitions]
pump2 a simple, relatively low-heeled women's shoe without buckles, shoelaces, or the like.
pumpkin a large, roundish, gourdlike orange fruit that has thick edible flesh and is borne on a low-growing vine. [3 definitions]
pun an instance or a variety of word play, often for humorous effect, that is based on a similarity in sound of two or more words or on various meanings of the same word. [4 definitions]
punch1 a hard, quick blow with the fist. [6 definitions]
punch2 a tool or machine used for making small holes or indentations or for impressing a design, as in leather. [3 definitions]
punch3 a sweet drink comprising a mixture of ingredients such as fruit juices, soda, spices, or the like, often with wine or liquor added.
punctual on time; prompt. [2 definitions]
punctuate to place punctuation marks in. [4 definitions]
punctuation the process or an instance of adding certain marks, such as the question mark or comma, to groups of written words so as to indicate a pause, subordination, or quotation, or otherwise clarify meaning or inflection. [2 definitions]
punctuation mark any conventional symbol used to punctuate written text.
puncture a small hole caused esp. by a sharp or pointed object. [5 definitions]
pungent sharp and penetrating in taste or smell; acrid. [3 definitions]