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purple the color that results when blue and red paint are mixed. [5 definitions]
purpose a reason or plan guiding an action; motive or intention. [6 definitions]
purposeful done with a definite purpose; deliberate. [3 definitions]
purposely on purpose; deliberately.
purr to produce a soft, low, vibrating sound, as a contented cat. [4 definitions]
purse a pouch or bag made of leather, cloth, plastic, or the like, for carrying money and other personal possessions, usu. carried by a hand or shoulder strap; handbag. [5 definitions]
pursue to follow in an effort to reach or catch; chase. [7 definitions]
pursuit the act or process of pursuing. [3 definitions]
pus a thick white or yellow liquid that forms around infections and that contains white blood cells.
push to exert pressure against in order to move. [13 definitions]
push-up a form of exercise, or a single act, in which a person lies on the stomach and raises and lowers the body using the arm muscles.
pussy willow a small North American willow with large, velvety, silver-gray catkins. [2 definitions]
put to move (something) to a particular position or location. [12 definitions]
put down to put (an object that you are holding) onto a surface. [4 definitions]
put off to delay (some action) until a later time. [3 definitions]
put on to put (clothes or accessories) on one's body. [10 definitions]
put one through one's paces to cause one to demonstrate skill or ability.
put out to stop the burning of (something). [11 definitions]
put stock in to consider believable and of importance.
putt in golf, to strike a ball gently to roll it into or near the hole when it is on or near the green. [2 definitions]
putter1 to move about or work randomly and with little effort.