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quail1 any of a number of ground-dwelling birds related to the chicken and often hunted for sport and food.
quaint pleasingly old-fashioned; picturesque. [2 definitions]
quake to shake, as from fear, coldness, or the like. [3 definitions]
Quaker a member of the Society of Friends.
qualification that which makes someone suitable for, or is required for, an activity, job, or the like. [5 definitions]
qualified having the required competency, qualities, or skills, esp. for a job. [2 definitions]
qualify to make eligible or competent, as for a job; certify as competent. [8 definitions]
quality a distinguishing feature or inherent characteristic; property or trait. [5 definitions]
qualm a feeling of guilt, doubt, or misgiving. [2 definitions]
quantity amount or number. [6 definitions]
quarantine the enforced separation of people, animals, goods, or the like from others, so as to prevent the spread of contagious illness. [4 definitions]
quarrel an angry or bitter disagreement or argument. [4 definitions]
quarry1 a large open hole or pit dug for mining stone, marble, gravel, or the like. [3 definitions]
quart in the US, a unit of capacity equal to two pints or 0.9464 liter in liquid measure and two pints or 1.101 liters in dry measure. (abbr.: qt.) [3 definitions]
quarter a fraction equal to one fourth of a whole. [15 definitions]
quarterback in football, the chief offensive player who calls the plays and is the first to receive the ball in most plays. [5 definitions]
quarterly happening or appearing four times a year, esp. at the end of each three-month period. [4 definitions]
quarterstaff a hefty, wooden, iron-tipped pole, six to eight feet in length, formerly used as a weapon in England.
quartet four musicians or singers who perform together as a group. [3 definitions]
quartz a common, hard, widely distributed mineral that occurs as many glasslike crystalline forms of silicon dioxide.
quasar any of numerous astronomical objects that emit powerful radio waves and have red shifts associated with great distance from earth; quasi-stellar radio source.