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rainforest a dense forest of evergreens and heavy undergrowth in a tropical area that receives abundant rainfall throughout the year.
rainwater water that has collected or been collected directly from falling rain.
rainy characterized by or having rain.
raise to elevate to a higher position; lift. [15 definitions]
raisin a sweet grape that has been dried for use as food.
rake1 a tool consisting of a long handle and a row of tines extending perpendicular to it, used for gathering up debris or cultivating the ground. [12 definitions]
rally1 to regather and reorganize after a fall into disorder, or to inspire with renewed spirit after a setback. [12 definitions]
RAM abbreviation of "random-access memory."
ram a male sheep. [9 definitions]
Ramadan the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. [2 definitions]
ramble to wander leisurely or aimlessly; follow a winding or irregular course; meander. [5 definitions]
ramp a sloping surface connecting two different levels, such as a causeway between two floor levels, or a roadway passing from ground level to an elevated bridge. [7 definitions]
ramrod a rod that fits inside the barrel of a gun, used for pushing the charge into it or for cleaning it.
ran past tense of run.
ranch a large farm, esp. in the western United States, where cattle, horses, or other livestock are raised on a large area of land. [3 definitions]
rancher one who raises cattle, horses, or the like on a ranch or on the open range.
random characterized by lack of pattern or predictability, or carried out or occurring in a way that cannot be predicted and without being based on any reason or purpose. [4 definitions]
rang past tense of ring2.
range the extent or limits of possible variation. [20 definitions]
ranger a member of a security force employed to patrol a particular area, esp. a parkland or forest. [3 definitions]
rank1 the relative position of one person or group of persons to another in a hierarchy or society. [10 definitions]