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reaction a movement, action, or response in reverse direction or manner. [6 definitions]
reactor in physics, an apparatus for starting and controlling a nuclear chain reaction; nuclear reactor. [2 definitions]
read1 to examine and comprehend the meaning of (something written). [16 definitions]
reader a person who reads. [5 definitions]
readily promptly or easily. [2 definitions]
reading the action or activity of examining and comprehending written language. [8 definitions]
ready having done the necessary things to get underway; prepared. [8 definitions]
real1 not fictional or imagined; having actual existence; true. [6 definitions]
real estate land, including the natural resources and permanent buildings on it.
realistic of or based upon what is actual or feasible. [2 definitions]
reality the state or quality of being actual or real. [4 definitions]
realization the act or process of realizing. [2 definitions]
realize become aware of, or clearly perceive or understand. [3 definitions]
really in fact; actually. [3 definitions]
realm a royal kingdom; domain. [2 definitions]
reap to gather (standing grain) by cutting. [3 definitions]
reappear to come into view again, or come into existence again.
rear1 the back part of something. [5 definitions]
rear2 to raise to maturity. [4 definitions]
rearrange to arrange in a different fashion. [2 definitions]
rearview mirror a mirror attached to a motor vehicle or bicycle in such a way that the driver can see the area to the rear.