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refrain2 a phrase or verse repeated at regular intervals in a poem or song, esp. at the end of each stanza. [2 definitions]
refresh to revive the energy or spirits of (a person), as with food, rest or a bath. [5 definitions]
refreshment (often pl.) something that refreshes or that is taken to refresh oneself, esp. food and drink. [2 definitions]
refrigerate to make cold or cool, esp. to preserve.
refrigerator a room, cabinet, or appliance where food or other substances are preserved in a cold environment.
refuge shelter, protection, or comfort. [3 definitions]
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or native land to seek safe refuge, usu. as a result of war, persecution, or the like.
refund1 to return or restore (money). [3 definitions]
refusal the act or an instance of refusing. [2 definitions]
refuse1 to decline to accept or give. [3 definitions]
refuse2 material considered to be waste or otherwise worthless; garbage; rubbish. [2 definitions]
regain to win or gain back, as after loss. [2 definitions]
regard to consider with a particular attitude or feeling. [8 definitions]
regarding with respect to; concerning.
regardless lacking regard, heed, or mindfulness. [2 definitions]
regime a system of rule, government, or administration. [3 definitions]
regiment a troop of infantry consisting of at least two battalions. [4 definitions]
region a large continuous space or area. [4 definitions]
regional of or pertaining to a particular geographic area. [3 definitions]
register a book that officially records names, events, or other information. [15 definitions]
registered nurse a nurse who has completed extensive training and passed a state examination licensing him or her to practice nursing.