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rekindle to start the burning of (something) again. [2 definitions]
relapse to revert, esp. to a former negative condition, habit, or mode of conduct. [4 definitions]
relate to see or establish a connection or association with (fol. by "to" or "with"). [6 definitions]
related associated; connected. [2 definitions]
relation an association or connection between or among things. [6 definitions]
relationship the condition or fact of being associated or connected. [2 definitions]
relative a person who is related to others through blood or marriage. [6 definitions]
relatively in comparison to something else.
relax to make looser or less rigid. [9 definitions]
relaxation diversion or recreation designed to refresh the body and mind. [4 definitions]
relaxed free of physical or mental tension. [3 definitions]
relay two or more people or crews that alternate with or follow each other in carrying out a task or running a race. [5 definitions]
relay race a race between two or more teams in which each runner is relieved by a teammate after running part of the distance.
release to liberate from confinement or other form of constraint, such as obligation or responsibility. [10 definitions]
relent to become milder, more sympathetic, or more lenient. [2 definitions]
relevant related to or connected with the present matter; pertinent. [2 definitions]
reliability the quality of being dependable.
reliable capable of being relied on or trusted; dependable.
relic something that has survived from an earlier time, such as a custom or artifact of an earlier culture. [3 definitions]
relief1 the ease resulting from the removal of pain, distress, or anxiety. [5 definitions]
relief2 the projection of forms or figures from a background surface, as on certain types of maps. [2 definitions]