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remorse a sincere, often painful sense of regret for past misdeeds.
remote at a far distance in space or time. [7 definitions]
remote control control of an object, such as an aircraft, missiles, and the like, from a distance, as by radio signals. [2 definitions]
removal the act or process of removing. [2 definitions]
remove to take away from a place or position. [11 definitions]
renaissance a rebirth, renewal, or revival. [5 definitions]
render to present for payment or consideration. [7 definitions]
rendezvous a meeting that has been arranged beforehand. [5 definitions]
renew to restore to original or near-original condition. [6 definitions]
renowned widely known and acclaimed; famous.
rent1 a periodic payment made by a tenant to an owner of property for the right to occupy or use that property. [5 definitions]
rental an apartment or commercial property available for rent. [4 definitions]
repair1 to restore to a sound state or condition following damage or injury. [6 definitions]
repay to pay back (a loan or other debt). [4 definitions]
repeal to withdraw, revoke, or make void, esp. by official action or proclamation. [2 definitions]
repeat to state or utter again (what has already been said). [7 definitions]
repeatedly again and again; many times in a row.
repel to drive away or force backwards. [7 definitions]
repellent causing distaste, aversion, or repulsion. [4 definitions]
repetition the act or process of repeating. [3 definitions]
replace to put in place of (a similar object). [3 definitions]