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resolution mental firmness, determination, or resolve. [8 definitions]
resolve to decide (something) firmly or earnestly, or to cause (someone) to do so. [8 definitions]
resonance the quality of having a full, rich, long-lasting or echoing sound; the quality of resounding. [5 definitions]
resonant resounding or reverberating; echoing. [4 definitions]
resort to go or turn to for help or remedy, often as one's last recourse. [5 definitions]
resound to be full of sound. [5 definitions]
resource a source of aid, support, or other reinforcement. [4 definitions]
respect a detail, point, or aspect (usu. prec. by "in"). [8 definitions]
respectable displaying good breeding, manners, or character. [4 definitions]
respectful having or showing respect or politeness.
respective relating individually to each of two or more persons or things.
respectively with regard to each of two or more persons or things in the order named.
respiration the act of breathing. [2 definitions]
respiratory of, relating to, or used in respiration.
respiratory system the system that brings oxygen to the body. It is made up of the lungs, diaphragm, windpipe, and nasal passages.
respond to give a reply, in words or otherwise. [3 definitions]
respondent responding or replying. [3 definitions]
response the act or process of responding. [3 definitions]
responsibility the condition or fact of being responsible; the condition or fact of being answerable or accountable. [3 definitions]
responsible answerable or accountable. [6 definitions]
rest1 a state of relaxation or sleep that restores the body. [20 definitions]