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retail the sale of items to those who will use them rather than resell them. (Cf. wholesale.) [6 definitions]
retain to maintain possession or use of. [4 definitions]
retarded (outdated; no longer in scientific use; often considered offensive) comparatively slow or deficient in intellectual growth. [2 definitions]
retina the light-sensitive lining at the back of the inner eyeball that receives images and transfers them to the optic nerve.
retire to cease work or active life. [7 definitions]
retired having ceased work or active service. [2 definitions]
retirement the act of retiring. [5 definitions]
retreat the act of withdrawing from a place or situation. [8 definitions]
retrieve to bring or get back; regain; recover. [8 definitions]
retriever one of several breeds of dogs trained to retrieve wounded or killed game. [2 definitions]
retrorocket a small rocket engine mounted so that its direction of thrust is opposite to the direction of the main rocket, used for slowing down, changing direction, or the like.
return to go or come back, as to a previous place or circumstance. [23 definitions]
return address the address of the person who sends a letter.
reunion a meeting of friends, family, or past associates after a period of separation. [2 definitions]
reuse to use again or use more than once. [2 definitions]
reveal to disclose or make known. [2 definitions]
revelation the act of revealing. [4 definitions]
revenge to give punishment or demand atonement for (a wrong); take vengeance for; requite. [5 definitions]
revenue income obtained from investment or property. [4 definitions]
revere1 to respect or cherish with awe; venerate; honor.
reverence an attitude or feeling of profound respect and awe mingled with love; veneration. [4 definitions]