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rid to clear or free from something undesirable (usu. fol. by "of").
ridden full of, or overwhelmed or obsessed by (usu. used in combination). [2 definitions]
riddle1 a puzzling, tricky, and often amusing question, usu. with an ingenious answer, posed as a diversion or as a test of one's wits. [4 definitions]
riddle2 to pierce with a large number of holes.
ride to sit on the back of a horse or other animal and direct its movement. [16 definitions]
rider a person who rides a vehicle or an animal. [2 definitions]
ridge a long, narrow, raised section, area, or edge, such as the top of a sloping roof or the crest of a hill. [5 definitions]
ridicule language or actions that make unkind fun of someone or something; mockery; derision. [2 definitions]
ridiculous causing or deserving ridicule; silly, absurd, or preposterous; laughable.
rifle1 a firearm with a long barrel having spiral grooves inside designed to increase the accuracy of a shot. [4 definitions]
rig to equip or prepare for use, as by attaching sails and ropes to (a boat or ship). [10 definitions]
rigging all the ropes, wires, chains, and the like used on a boat or ship to support the masts and work the sails. [2 definitions]
right in accordance with what is fair and morally good. [28 definitions]
right and left in all places or directions; everywhere.
right angle an angle formed by the meeting of two perpendicular lines and measuring ninety degrees.
right away at once; immediately.
right fielder in baseball, the player who is stationed in right field and whose primary function is to defend that territory.
right-handed tending to use the right hand more often or more easily than the left. [5 definitions]
right off at once; immediately.
right off the bat at once; immediately.
right triangle a triangle in which two of the sides form a right angle.