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rocky1 having or full of rocks. [3 definitions]
rocky2 likely or tending to rock; shaky; unsteady. [3 definitions]
Rocky Mountains the principal North American mountain chain, stretching from Alaska to northern New Mexico; Rockies.
rod a straight, thin, usu. round and inflexible stick, shaft, or bar. [7 definitions]
rode past tense of ride.
rodent any of various related four-footed mammals, such as mice, rabbits, and woodchucks, characterized by large, sharp front teeth used for gnawing and nibbling. [3 definitions]
rodeo an exhibition or competition of cowboy skills such as riding untamed horses or roping cattle.
roe1 fish eggs, esp. as a mass in the female ovary. [2 definitions]
roe2 a small, fleet deer of Europe and Asia, the male of which has three-pointed antlers; roe deer.
rogue one who is dishonest or malicious; scoundrel. [6 definitions]
role the character played by an actor or actress. [3 definitions]
role model one who serves as an example in the performance of a particular role.
roll to move by rotating or turning over repeatedly. [32 definitions]
roller a wheel or caster attached to the bottom of a heavy object, for ease in moving. [4 definitions]
roller coaster an amusement park ride in which a small, gravity-propelled train of open cars rides rapidly up and down a curving, winding, track built on trestles.
roller skate a shoe, or frame fitting over a shoe, with four small rollers or wheels, designed for skating on a hard surface.
rolling the motion or sound of something that is turning in a circle over and over. [7 definitions]
rolling pin a hard smooth cylinder of wood or marble, usu. having handles at each end, that is used to roll out dough.
ROM abbreviation of "read-only memory."
Roman of, pertaining to, or characteristic of modern or ancient Rome or its people, culture, or the like. [7 definitions]
Roman Catholic Church a Christian church organized into a hierarchy of bishops and priests that is headed by the pope, or Bishop of Rome; Latin Church.